Inept and Dangerous
I’m a user of both Filemaker and Bento and I often want to give this a serious shot at replacing both since it’s feature-set is squarly in the middle, a sweetspot I, and many others, crave in a personal database. I regret to say that this software is both inept and dangerous. In using Tap Forms, even for a short while, I encounter numerous problems such as missing records, deleted records from syncing, syncing which doesnt’ work. I have also encountered data encyption errors involving field based encryption where changing the password resulted in lost data. After contacting the developer about this particular bug the response was ‘don’t use that feature if it doesn’t work for you, encrypting at the database level is better anyway”. Unbelievable. Also, if I set the database to lock after a few minutes it may work, or may not, depending on the mood of the program at that moment.
The bottom line is that Tap Forms is a nice program with good features. It fills a void in Mac database software left by the demise of Bento but Tap Forms is not a suitable replacement for Bento due to it’s vast amount of bugs, inconsistent behavior and spotty syncing. If this changes I will be the first to retract this review but until then this software is not suitable for important data.
AstroVar about
Tap Forms Organizer and Secure Database