Spinning beach balls!
This ought to be a very useful app for all those who cannot afford FileMaker or who were abandoned by Bento or by almost anyone needing a cloud-syncing multi-device database. I certainly thought so and I spent quite a lot of money and two weeks exploring its capabilities before putting all my business records onto Tap Forms. And then, very recently, I was met by the dreaded spinning beach-ball that all Mac users thought was almost an extinct monster. I found that there was no way to access my files (in fact no way to do anything at all with the app). I tried everything a power user can think of to fix the problem but my Mac’s Force Quit function could only advise me (relentlessly) that “Tap Forms is not responding”. This would not have worried me too much if the Tap Forms support team (Brendan) had been able to respond instead… but he wasn’t. So, all together it’s a lovely concept and worthy of consideration. It’s the sort of thing many of us really need (for home, business, patients’ records, archives, etc) but not yet an app that any serious user should completely trust. Getting shut out of one’s own data (not even being able to export it to some other application) is something most of us thought we’d said goodbye to in 1992 (when thankfully System 7 arrived)!
PepinsGhost about
Tap Forms Organizer and Secure Database, v3.5.10